Friday, August 24, 2012

There once was a lad from Jeff City.

Who liked his gals dirty and gritty.

So he married a gal,
Who owned a trash service, well...

Now 'e's got all the smelly snatch he can sell!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A baseball athlete from New York.

Could never quite understand pork.

So his girlfriend, a farm leaguer,

Did ask him to squeeze her.

Now his porker understands her

New Yorker.

A woman hailed forth from Bermuda.

Had a temper much like a barracuda.

And to lessen her flower,

She never did shower.

So her snatch had the odor of tuna.

There once was an ape of some leeway.

Who one night made off with one Faye Wray.

They came back a year later.

An ape-son in a manger.


The result of Kong's Wong in her Twanger.

First Order Fleshimerick

There once was a blogger from crete.

Who thought sex was really neat.

So he fashioned a site
That he'd write out at night

Now this crete'n's thought large as a cretin!